发布时间:2018-01-26 03:51:23
RAINMAKER Ultra Pure Coolant Purge Pod
Specificati*** below:
Deionizer Specification
1. General
The application is to maintain the resistance of a closed loop coolant system of 80 gall*** at anominal 7 megohm cm. The coolant is either pure water or a mixture of water and laboratory grade Propylene Glycol. The parallel loop flow rate through the pod is 0.7 gpm and the inlet is at 50 psi. The maximum coolant temperature is 155℉
2. Tank: Similar in size to RT-818 by Park International Corp.
Height: 25 inches maximum with fittings.
Diameter: 8.8 &plu***n; 0.1” at the base. Capacity: .45 to .47 cubic feet.
Material: Fiberglass/ester laminate, thermoplastic liner.
Weight: 5 pounds empty, 31 pounds dry, 48 pounds wet.
Pressure rating: 75 psi at 155℉.
3. Mixed be resin of suitable quality
Volume: .45 cubic feet or 100% of the ***ailable.
4. None (no carbon filter media).
5. Connecti*** (identify inlet and outlet)
Inlet: Colder Products Company part number HFCD 108-35
Outlet: Colder Products Company part number HFCD 248-35
6. Shipping container
Domestic: The shipping container must be suitable for common modes of postal or commercial delivery and should be clearly marked with this drawing number and applicable part number. Safety data sheets for the resin in this canister should be placed in the shipping container. This canister is tobe marked with this drawing number and part number.
Export: Water Chemistry, Inc. provides delivery in the United States only; however, a special hard-body shipper is ***ailable upon request. Shipping container will conform to the regulati*** of thereceiving country.
有关美国WATER CHEMISTRY产品更详细的信息或者购买美国WATER CHEMISTRY相关产品,请联系爱泽工业(021-31006702)或者请访问我们的网站www.ize-industries。。com以获取更多参数。
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