发布时间:2018-04-27 08:08:39
Real-time inventory of ABB products
Controller PFEA111/PFEA112/PFEA113 Series
Who we are
IZE-industries was established in 2010.With its many years of professional experience, providing advanced manufacturing industries technology and equipment. Including advanced electrical automation, machinery and tran***ission, fluid control, instrumentation, tools and other products. As a partner in electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic soluti***, we also provide our customers with c***ulting soluti***, market knowledge, and value-added services.
Engineering and C***ulting
Full-service controls engineering and c***ulting soluti*** for industrial
manufacturing equipment, including:
Electrical design
PLC programming and repair
Process optimization
Down-time c***ultation
spare parts from the areas, including:
Automation technology.
ABB Controller PFEA111/PFEA112/PFEA113
All three versi*** h***e multi-language digital display and configuration keys. The configuration keys being used for setting different parameters and to check the status of the tension system. The 2 x 16 character display can present sum, difference or individual load cell signals. All three versi*** are ***ailable in both DIN-rail version and enclosed IP651) version for mounting in more severe environments.
PFEA112 or PFEA113 unit provides the same functionality and user friendliness as the PFEA 111 with the addition of fieldbus communication via Profibus-DP.
To meet certain special application requirements the following opti*** are ***ailable:
What we offer
Engineering and C***ulting
Full-service controls engineering and c***ulting soluti*** for industrial
manufacturing equipment, including:
Electrical design
PLC programming and repair
Process optimization
Down-time c***ultation
spare parts from the areas, including:
Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Industrial, Automation technology.
Please contact us for complete stock list or special discount.
If you are looking for any obsolete / Hard item, we can help you.
If you h***e any question for ABB controller, please feel free to dial 0086-21-3100 6702 or browse our website: www.ize-industries.com.
Contact Information:
Tel:0086-21-31006702 or 0086-21-35350722
Mobile:0086-189 1750 1433
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